Monday 6 April 2020

Processed sugar

🎵🎼SINGING FOODS 🍩🍦🎵 ❌❌❌WHAT NOT TO EAT ⚠⚠⚠ 🍬🍷Season 1. Episode 2. PROCESSED SUGAR 🍐🍸 Overly sugary foods do you no favors. You’ll want to stay away from candy, juice, Nutella, gummy snacks, and other overly processed sugary foods. Like dairy, sugar tends to hang around in your mouth and throat as phlegmy grossness (scientific word). Sugar without fiber or protein to balance it out can also cause you to wear out very quickly once the sugar rush has passed. It will zap the energy right out of your beautiful voice. For live lessons and interactive class, join us today via


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