Tuesday 24 March 2020

Your voice

🎤🎼TAKING CARE OF YOUR HEALTH AND VOICE 🗣🎙 ✍🎺Season 1. Episode 4. YOUR VOICE🎶🎵 Avoid overusing your voice. Try not to talk loudly, shout, or sing to be heard above other sounds, particularly for long periods of time. Instead, use a microphone to amplify your voice when applicable. If you use your voice a lot, such as in performance or while giving a speech, give it a rest to let it recover. >>Practice singing in several short sessions and give your voice breaks in between sessions. >>Widen and relax your throat while singing to avoid straining it. >>Avoid coughing or clearing your throat frequently. For live lessons and interactive class, join us today via https://chat.whatsapp.com/K4ZqbmJyafn0d4sBLKXZ8r


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