Tuesday 26 May 2020

Collaborate with other musicians

🎼🎼HOW TO WRITE A SONG ✍️✍️ ✍️🎬Season 1. Episode 5. COLLABORATE WITH OTHER MUSICIANS 🎶🎶🎶 If you’re suffering from writer’s block (everyone does at some point!), then collaborating with other musicians can offer a great way to break new ground and get a fresh perspective on your track. Show them what you’ve got so far, discuss any new ideas they might suggest, and see what comes out of it. Getting an outside persceptive on your track from a fellow musician can help to bring the best out of your music. Two heads are always usually better than one. *QUOTE* "I like collaboration because, first of all, I'm good at writing lyrics. I don't know how to make beats. I don't play instruments. I'm not a good singer. So even when you see a solo album of mine, it's still a collaboration." For live lessons and interactive class, join us today via https://chat.whatsapp.com/CwTVgD6q1HY9pnGBTwFji2


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