Wednesday, 25 March 2020

Strained voice

🎤🎼TAKING CARE OF YOUR HEALTH AND VOICE 🗣🎙 ✍🎺Season 1. Episode 5. STRAINED VOICE 🎶🎵 Watch for signs of a strained voice. If your voice sounds hoarse, raspy, or gritty, then it's possible that you've strained your vocal cords. Your throat might also feel raw or slightly painful when you try to sing or make vocalizations. If you have to exert much more energy to produce the same note as before, then your vocal cords might not be 100%. >>It's best to avoid singing until your voice fully recovers. If you can limit talking or any vocalizations, then that can help as well. Voice strain is often a sign of vocal cord overuse, so giving yourself time to recover is important. >>If your voice still sounds odd or if you continue to feel strange after 2 weeks, then it's time to see your doctor. It's possible that you've developed growths on your vocal cords that are impacting your singing abilities. For live lessons and interactive class, join us today via

Tuesday, 24 March 2020

Your voice

🎤🎼TAKING CARE OF YOUR HEALTH AND VOICE 🗣🎙 ✍🎺Season 1. Episode 4. YOUR VOICE🎶🎵 Avoid overusing your voice. Try not to talk loudly, shout, or sing to be heard above other sounds, particularly for long periods of time. Instead, use a microphone to amplify your voice when applicable. If you use your voice a lot, such as in performance or while giving a speech, give it a rest to let it recover. >>Practice singing in several short sessions and give your voice breaks in between sessions. >>Widen and relax your throat while singing to avoid straining it. >>Avoid coughing or clearing your throat frequently. For live lessons and interactive class, join us today via

Monday, 23 March 2020

Breathe techniques

🎤🎼TAKING CARE OF YOUR HEALTH AND VOICE 🗣🎙 ✍🎺Season 1. Episode 3. BREATHE TECHNIQUES🎶🎵 Practice deep-breathing techniques. Concentrate on taking a deep breath with your mouth that fills your lungs to the very core with air and then releasing it out through your nostrils. Try doing this repeatedly to a count, such as 1-2-in, 3-4-out. You can also watch videos online showing other deep breathing techniques or even work with a respiratory therapist. Similar to deep breathing, meditation techniques can also help to keep your stress levels even and manageable. Otherwise, your voice can become higher pitched and strained. For live lessons and interactive class, join us today via

Thursday, 19 March 2020


🎤🎼TAKING CARE OF YOUR HEALTH AND VOICE 🗣🎙 ✍🎺Season 1. Episode 2. SLEEP 🎶🎵 Get at least 8 hours of sleep each night. If you are fatigued, then your voice will suffer as a result. This is even more important when you'll be singing for extended periods of time. If you can't get a full 8 hours of undisturbed sleep at once, try to supplement it with short naps throughout the day. Sometimes taking a 30-minute nap immediately before warming up and singing can actually improve the quality of your voice. For live lessons and interactive class, join us today via

Wednesday, 18 March 2020


🎤🎼TAKING CARE OF YOUR HEALTH AND VOICE 🗣🎙 ✍🎺Season1.Episode1. WATER 🎶🎵 Drink at least 6-8 glasses of fluids per day. Keeping your throat hydrated will help it to produce a deeper, richer range of sounds. Water that is lukewarm, but not hot, is best for your voice. Cold water can actually tighten up your throat. You can also add in 1 teaspoon (4.9 mL) of honey or a lemon slice for additional flavor and to soothe your throat. ## If you choose to stir in honey, choose a type that is as close to natural as possible. Please avoid ingesting additives and chemicals if you can. For live lessons and interactive class, join us today via

Thursday, 12 March 2020

Breathing exercises

🎶🎤 STRENGTHENING YOUR SINGING VOICE 🎵🎙 🎤🎵🎷Season 1. Episode 6. BREATHING EXERCISES 🎹🎤🎤 Do breathing exercises to strengthen your diaphragm. Try costal breathing, which means expanding your rib cage as you inhale. Keep your rib cage open and let your abdominal muscles relax when you breathe in. When you breathe out, engage your abdominal muscles.Try this exercise while breathing from your diaphragm: On a count of 1: inhale to fill your lungs 1/4 full. On a count of 2: inhale to fill your lungs 2/4 full. On a count of 3: inhale to fill your lungs 3/4 full. On a count of 4: inhale to fill your lungs completely full. On the counts of 5-12 exhale slowly and gradually. Repeat. For live lessons and interactive class, join us today via

🎶🎤 STRENGTHENING YOUR SINGING VOICE 🎵🎙 🎤🎵🎷Season 1. Episode 6. BREATHING EXERCISES 🎹🎤🎤 Do breathing exercises to strengthen your diaphragm. Try costal breathing, which means expanding your rib cage as you inhale. Keep your rib cage open and let your abdominal muscles relax when you breathe in. When you breathe out, engage your abdominal muscles.Try this exercise while breathing from your diaphragm: On a count of 1: inhale to fill your lungs 1/4 full. On a count of 2: inhale to fill your lungs 2/4 full. On a count of 3: inhale to fill your lungs 3/4 full. On a count of 4: inhale to fill your lungs completely full. On the counts of 5-12 exhale slowly and gradually. Repeat. For live lessons and interactive class, join us today via

Wednesday, 11 March 2020

Singing posture

🎶🎤 STRENGTHENING YOUR SINGING VOICE 🎵🎙 🎤🎵🎷Season 1. Episode 5. SINGING POSTURE 🎹🎤🎤 Work on maintaining proper singing posture. Stand up with your back straight and your face looking forward. Make sure that your shoulders are back and your neck isn't overly bent. Rest your tongue lightly at the bottom of your mouth, so that it almost touches your front bottom teeth. Slide your jaw from side to side gently to keep it relaxed. >>Avoid slouching or bending over while singing. >>Singing in front of the mirror with a side view can also help you to check your posture mid-song. For live lessons and interactive class, join us today via

Tuesday, 10 March 2020

Extra time

🎶🎤 STRENGTHENING YOUR SINGING VOICE 🎵🎙 🎤🎵🎷Season 1. Episode 4. EXTRA TIME 🎹🎤🎤 Try to sing for at least 30 minutes each day. This is long enough to warm up your vocal cords, but not extended enough that it could strain them. It's best if you can use this as undisturbed practice time. However, if you get a job singing, this could also provide an opportunity to develop your skills in a public setting. Singing in public for a short period each day can teach you how to read and work with an audience as well. You might be able to get a job singing by approaching local places with small stages or performance areas, such as coffee shops. If this isn't an option, you can also offer your skills on a volunteer basis by participating in a church choir or other group. For live lessons and interactive class, join us today via

Monday, 9 March 2020

Solfa notes

🎶🎤 STRENGTHENING YOUR SINGING VOICE 🎵🎙 🎤🎵🎷Season 1. Episode 3. SOLFA NOTES 🎹🎤🎤 Sing “Do Re Mi” up and down the scales. This is another great way to warm up your vocal cords and to practice holding consistent notes. Start with the C scale, then the C# scale, and on up. Go slowly and hit each note immediately instead of sliding your way up to it. Focus on the basic scale of: “Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Ti Do.” To add an element of excitement, you can go up by 2 notes and then jump 1, or another pattern. Then mix it up: go up 2 notes, and down 1, working your way up the scale. A scale is a series of intervals that exist between pitches. If you move up and down a scale, then you'll be singing both low and higher sounds. For example, C to C# is a scale and C# to D# is another scale. For live lessons and interactive class, join us today via

Thursday, 5 March 2020

Warm up

🎤 STRENGTHENING YOUR SINGING VOICE 🎵🎙 🎤🎵🎷Season 1. Episode 2. WARM UP 🎹🎤🎤 Warm up before singing so you don't strain your voice. Sing "ee" softly at F above middle C (females) or F below middle C (males) and hold it for as long as you can. Repeat this exercise 2 times. Another warm-up is to sing the word "knoll" while you glide from a low note to a high note and repeat the exercise twice. Then, do the opposite and glide from a high note to a low note while singing "knoll" 3 times. In your mid-range, sing "oll" up a 5-note scale (C-D-E-F-G). Repeat the exercise another 2 times. For live lessons and interactive class, join us today via

Wednesday, 4 March 2020

Read Aloud

🎶🎤 STRENGTHENING YOUR SINGING VOICE 🎵🎙 🎤🎵🎷Season 1. Episode 1. READ ALOUD 🎹🎤🎤 Read aloud each day. Building up your vocal prowess isn't just about practicing singing. Just using your voice in a purposeful way by reading aloud can help you to work on your inflections and to build up endurance. Pull out a newspaper or good book and read it aloud for 30 minutes each day. Start a Conversation When You Have Nothing to Talk about. For live lessons and interactive class, join us today via

Tuesday, 3 March 2020

Identify Registers

🎶🎤 HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR SINGING VOICE🎵🎙 🎤🎵🎷Season 1. Episode 7. IDENTIFY REGISTERS 🎹🎤🎤 Take note of which register you're singing in as well. Typically, if you're a male, you'll need to use falsetto to sing high, airy notes. Conversely, if you're a woman, higher notes come from your head voice while lower notes are sung in chest voice. Using a keyboard or piano app on your phone, such as Perfect Piano, will really help you to narrow down your range. These apps often show how closely your voice aligns with the note currently being played. For live lessons and interactive class, join us today via

Monday, 2 March 2020

Capture emotion

🎶🎤 HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR SINGING VOICE🎵🎙 🎤🎵🎷Season 1. Episode 5. CAPTURE EMOTIONS 🎹🎤🎤 The key is using that moment to capture your emotions, but not being controlled by them. After all, the quality of your singing won't be improved if you cry through every sad song. For example, if you are singing a song about a grace, then think about a positive moment in one of your life encounters. To keep yourself from being overwhelmed by emotion, once you've thought about an event focus your attention back on the lyrics and notes that you are singing. For live lessons and interactive class, join us today via