Monday 1 June 2020

Don't overthink it

🎼🎼HOW TO WRITE A SONG ✍️✍️ ✍️🎬Season 1. Episode 8. DON'T OVERTHINK IT 🎶🎶🎶 Musicians and songwriters are often our own worst critics. If you judge your own songs too harshly you’ll never get anything done, so it’s important to keep an open mind, and while it’s great to take your time and carefully consider each facet of a new song, it’s often easier to get things done when you let the songwriting process flow, stop worrying and just get on with it. Overthinking can be your worst enemy. Get the basis of your song down, and you can always go back and change things afterwards. *QUOTE* “If anyone asks me about songwriting, I guess I’d say that you just gotta do it.” For live lessons and interactive class, join us today via


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