Monday 11 September 2017

best food for singing

πŸ πŸ’πŸˆ BEST FOODS FOR SINGING πŸŒπŸ‰πŸ‡ πŸπŸŠπŸ‹πŸ‡πŸ“SEASON 1 EPISODE 1. WATER πŸ₯‘πŸπŸ‘ Dehydration is a singer’s worst nightmare. Dry vocal cords are less flexible and more susceptible to damage. But don’t wait until the last minute to get a drink! The vocal folds are one of the last places in the body to get hydrated . So you can’t moisten your throat (from the inside) until you have consumed enough water to hydrate all of your vital organs.One of the singers in my survey reported drinking up to a gallon of water on the day before a performance. They drink more water as soon as they wake up the next morning. And they keep a couple of water bottles backstage during the performance.


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