Tuesday 1 February 2022

The power of transition songs

                   🪗🎶 Season 1. Episode 2. HARNESS THE POWER OF TRANSITION SONGS 🎹🎼
Transitioning from fast to slow can be awkward. Matter of fact, any transition can be awkward. But I’ve found that having a slower, more theologically driven song after a fast song can help drive the theme home.

For example, this last weekend we did “Let it Be Known” from Worship Central which is a fairly “shallow” theme theologically but still a fun, powerful declaration. As a “transition” song we sang the old “When I Think About the Lord” which tied in the whole “shout” and “declare” theme from both songs. It wasn’t a full arrangement, just a simple 2 minute transition which helped make the transition smoother (and engaged the older generation).

These simple, transition song moments not only encourage congregational singing they also give your band a breather before launching into another full arrangement. Give it a try!
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