Wednesday 15 September 2021

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                          🖊️🪘Season 2. Episode. 10. SHARE IT ✏️✏️🎤
There’s a lot to be said for “woodshedding”, the tradition of practising improvisation alone for hours on end. But music is fundamentally a social art form and all that practice should be working towards the goal of sharing your new musical creativity with other people.

You can share with other musicians by collaborating in a band or choir session. That can sound scary if you’ve never done it before, so make it easy on yourself to start out: just get together with a friend and trade licks back and forth. Try some call-and-response improvisation games. Play duets and give each other the chance to improvise a solo in the middle.

When you get braver, step out and improvise for an audience. If you’ve been recording yourself and learning to risk and recover from mistakes, this shouldn’t be too scary! At this point you know you can improvise well, so step out there and show what you’ve got.
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