Tuesday 14 September 2021

Record yourself

                          🖊️🪘Season 2. Episode. 9. RECORD YOURSELF AND LISTEN ✏️✏️🎤
This has been covered several times in previous series but it’s so important that it’s worth repeating.
If you really want to improve fast in improvisation, don’t just play one-off improvised solos and forget about them. Instead, record them and take the time to listen back.

Force yourself to really listen objectively and carefully to what you played. Evaluate it and see which parts worked well and which didn’t, and ask yourself why. Better yet, ask a friend or a teacher. Then take note of what you can learn from that to bring into your next improvisation.

This simple habit of recording and reviewing each improvisation can transform your practice sessions from small, slow steps forward into intensely transformative masterclasses that dramatically accelerate the progress you make as an improviser. It may sound like I’m overstating it here, but I’m not. It takes guts and patience to actually do it but it really does make a world of difference to the results you get.
For live lessons and interactive class, join us today via https://chat.whatsapp.com/JWqVkdz3U3tFkLzS5Ksz9X


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