Tuesday 3 August 2021

Record yourself

       🪕🪗🎺 IMPROVISING MUSIC 🎼✍🏻
                      🖊️🪘Season 1. Episode 6. RECORD YOURSELF🎷🎤
At the start of improvisation, it can be difficult to remember things you played and the tiny lessons you learn with each choice of notes you make. Recording your improvisations will help you remember your previous experiences and build on them. Remember you must listen back to your recording to get the benefit though! Listening to your recording will help you understand your *strengthens and weaknesses.* When you listen you can also pick up a cool idea from your recording and use it again to improve your improvisation next time.

This can be a challenge at first because it will really put you to the test: your attitude must stay positive (don’t get disheartened if you don’t sound great at first) and your ability to embrace mistakes (try to be objective about how well you recovered from any “bad” notes). Be willing to experience the discomfort of listening to yourself improvise badly at first, as it is the key to sounding better and better in time. Before you know it you’ll be able to return to those original recordings and say “Wow, look how far I’ve come!”.
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