Monday, 28 June 2021

Work out

                    📝🖋️ Season 1. Episode 7. WORK OUT THE PROBLEM 📖📌  
Often the problem you are experiencing with a difficult person is not the real problem. For example, someone may be constantly late to rehearsals. When you ask them about it, they’re defensive and rude. The reason being, unknown to you they recently lost their job which means they have to take public transport to rehearsals instead of driving. They’re embarrassed about the situation they find themselves in and don’t want to tell you.
          Our team members have lives outside of whatever it is they do with us and the team. Just like yourself, often they have a lot going behind the scenes. Therefore, we always need to be mindful of this and respond accordingly. Ask questions and do a lot of listening, perhaps you’ll discover the real issue and then will be able to offer the right kind of assistance to help the person move forward.
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Thursday, 24 June 2021

On the journey

                    📝🖋️ Season 1. Episode 6. TAKE THEM ON THE JOURNEY 📖📌  
Sometimes difficult people are that way simply because we as leaders have not taken them on the journey. It’s so easy to think of a great idea and try to implement it without anyone else even knowing about it. Instead, a better way to approach the team and especially the difficult person is to ensure that you are taking the appropriate time and putting in the right effort to communicate the vision. All the while encouraging them to continue on the journey with you.
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Tuesday, 22 June 2021

Entire team

                    📝🖋️ Season 1. Episode 5. CAST VISION TO THE ENTIRE THEM 📖📌  
When you find you have diffficulty with one person it may be something that other people in the team are also struggling with, but are just less vocal about. In that case, it could be a good idea to intentionally cast some vision around the way you see that particular issue. Communicate the ‘why’ behind the ‘what’. Create a picture of how great the future will be as together you walk towards that common goal.
        "We would do this at Team Night or in our pre-service prayer meetings" . You could call a special vision meeting, or simply chat with the team over lunch one day.
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Thursday, 17 June 2021

Ask them to step down

                    📝🖋️ Season 1. Episode 4. ASK THEM TO STEP DOWN (for a time) 📖📌  
Sadly, sometimes it’s necessary to ask a difficult person to consider taking some time off the platform/group. This would be a last resort and not something you would want to take lightly. Never use the platform as a reward, or a punishment. The platform is for service and honour of God!
          It’s incredible how an attitude can dramatically change when an opportunity to serve is removed. And, when an attitude doesn’t change after having the difficult conversation with someone, you know you’ve made the right decision. Whatever you do, make sure you follow up with them, don’t just take them off platform and forget about them!
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Wednesday, 16 June 2021

Ask them

                       📝🖋️ Season 1. Episode 3. ASK THEM TO STEP UP 📖📌   
Depending on the situation you may need to meet with the person and challenge them to step up. By this I mean, you may need to ask them to literally change the way they’re approaching the team, your leadership, or whatever the issue is. Some people will respond well to having an open and honest conversation.
         If approached humbly, yet with a sense of vision and boldness, you may be surprised. The person may be ready to change, or take on a higher level of responsibility.
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Tuesday, 15 June 2021

Make sure

                                       📝🖋️ Season 1. Episode 2. MAKE SURE IT'S NOT YOU 📖📌
Before jumping to conclusions about that difficult person that is causing you so much grief, stop and consider whether they are really the problem. At times I’ve thought people are being hard to work with, and then I’ve realised it was the way I had been approaching the situation.
             Ask yourself, could it be me? Have I communicated clearly? Have I done all I can to set the person up to win? Have I said or done something that has offended the person?
At the end of the day, it could be a little thing that you can change about yourself, which could make all the difference.
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Monday, 14 June 2021

Love them

                                                📝🖋️ Season 1. Episode 1. LOVE THEM 📖📌
This is easier said than done. Needless to say, it is our mandate. Just because a team member has a different point of view, or a unique way of seeing the world, it doesn’t mean we, as their leader/pastor should write them off. Instead, we need to go out of our way to love them, unconditionally.
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Friday, 4 June 2021


             🎺🎺 Season 1. Episode 6. HYDRATE🎷🎶
And don’t forget to hydrate. Your voice can’t function well without water, especially when it comes to high notes. Dehydration causes dryness, a bumpy break area, loss of high notes, cracking, breaking and early vocal fatigue. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day to stay healthy and free!
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Wednesday, 2 June 2021

Tongue down

             🎺🎺 Season 1. Episode 5. TONGUE DOWN 🎷🎶
Singers often complain about their high notes sounding too thin or harsh. This is because as you sing higher your throat tends to close making for a thinner, harsher  sound. One of several solutions is to press your tongue down in the back of your throat to “anchor” the note. First you have to practice the feeling of the tongue dropping in order to use it during singing. Hold your jaw open, keep the tip of the tongue glued to the inside of the lower lip and say “kah” without moving your jaw. The tongue will reach up to the roof of your mouth (soft palate area) on the “k” and drop down on the “ah”. Practice this to get better control of the tongue. Then when singing high notes try using the technique! _Don’t expect the tongue to cooperate instantly, it takes some practice, but some people notice an immediate improvement._
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Tuesday, 1 June 2021

Open jaw

             🎺🎺 Season 1. Episode 4. JAW OPEN 🎷🎶
It’s common to close the jaw a bit to reach higher notes, but be careful not to close too much as you can cut off your tone, power and volume. Holding your jaw open until the close of the word (sing on the vowel not the consonant) will give you more volume and power.The best way to do this is to practice voice building exercises.
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