Tuesday 7 July 2020

Our calling is high

📗📚🖊️EPISTLE TO MUSIC MINISTRY LEADERS 🎵🎻🪕 📜📃🖋️Season 1. Episode 1. OUR CALLING IS HIGH🎙️📓📖 Service through worship ministry is a high calling – nothing could be more important. As we consider the Mary/Martha story, it is easy to argue that the “practical” or the “holy” things of the church are more important. However, sitting at Jesus’ feet is important, and preparing for the work of worship is important. All the work of the church is important – the jobs that may go unnoticed, and those that are in the spotlight. When we believe that we are called instead of obligated, everything changes; all the work of the church’s ministries become important and equally valuable. For live lessons and interactive class, join us today via https://chat.whatsapp.com/CwTVgD6q1HY9pnGBTwFji2


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