Thursday 2 July 2020

Epistle to music ministers

📗📚🖊️EPISTLE TO MUSIC Ministry LEADERS 🎵🎻🪕 ✍️✍️INTRODUCTION📜📔 Recently, I was asked to bring a challenge to all the worship and music ministry leadership in a church where a close friend of mine is the music and worship leader. As I thought for several weeks about what to say to those who play instruments, sing in the choir and worship ensemble, run sound, design bulletins, and much more, I finally settled on the remarks that follow. I hope that they might also provide perspective for you and for those involved in your church’s music and worship ministry. Any time we speak about worship, our communion with God, we are dealing directly with what is immensely sacred, i.e., encountering the divine, touching holy things. Worship is the most important practice in our lives and in our church – giving praise and adoration to the one who created all that is. When we lead others in worship we are participating in the only activity on earth that will also be a part of heaven. Consider the following: (1)While Bible study is life-changing here on earth, we will not do Bible study in heaven. (2)While sharing our faith and helping those in need is crucial on earth, there will be no needs in heaven for us to attend to. (3) While committee work and meetings are the way in which we accomplish our work in our churches, we will not take this work with us to heaven. When we worship, we are engaging with God – we are doing on earth what we will spend an eternity doing in the presence of God. While worship is a rehearsal for heaven, it is more than that — it is a connection, an extension of heaven. We encounter God is places that may be between here and eternity (what some theologians have called a thin space) – we worship on earth with our earthy community yet we are connected to God in an eternal act of offering toward God. So how is it that we remain faithful to that to which God has called us (our worship leadership)? How do we continue in our worship leadership when we don’t always feel it? What will sustain us as we look toward this new year of worship and service? As you explore these questions, Get ready as I take you on this journey of Episodes which begins on the 7th July 2020. Please Stay connected. God bless you For more details about tunjifortress, visit our website via


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