Friday, 23 March 2018

Select a target note

🎹 HOW TO SING 🎤 ON PICTH 📋🎶 Season 1. Episode 2. SELECT A TARGET NOTE🎷🎤 A target note is the musical note that you wish to match in pitch. You can choose any note within your vocal range; you could start by trying to match pitch with the lowest "C" in your vocal range. As you move through the exercise, continue to pick random notes that fall within your vocal range and attempt to match their pitch. •Play the target note on the digital tuner, piano, or guitar. •Listen to the pitch carefully. Try to hear the note in your head. This ability to hear, or visualize, a note in your head is called auralizing. This skill is developed over time and through persistent practice. •Sing the target note. If you are using a digital tuner, look at the screen to see if you have perfectly matched the pitch, if you are flat, or if you are sharp. If you are off key, slide your pitch up or down until you perfectly match the pitch. •Once you have matched pitch, select a new target note and repeat the process. •It may take you awhile to find notes that are within your vocal range and you are comfortable singing. Don’t be afraid to experiment with notes in different octaves. For live lessons and interactive class join us via


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