Friday 9 March 2018

How to teach a new song

🎬 🎡 HOW TO TEACH A NEW SONG WITHOUT BORING YOUR CHOIR πŸŽΆπŸ““ INTRODUCTION πŸŽΆπŸ–ŠπŸ“‹πŸ“€ You’ve welcomed everyone to the rehearsal and done your warm-ups. Now its time, deep breath, to dive into learning a new song!. I’m always excited to teach my contemporary choir a new song and can’t wait to see their reaction to the music. In my choir, we learn by ear and the singers use lyric sheets which I sometimes provide for them. As I also have the benefit of a piano, I have rehearsal recordings of the parts available to help should I need them. I am always a little nervous as to whether they will like a new song but after three years of working with them I think I have a pretty good idea of what they enjoy, plus I often get their input on song choices which helps me to understand their musical preferences. Tackling new music is one of the most intense parts of being a choir leader. It requires lots of planning, learning and concentration. You become a salesperson of sorts, selling the idea of the music to your choir by teaching it to them in a way that is engaging and fun, yet concise and in keeping with what you want to achieve. Whilst all this is going on you have to think about conducting, bringing in the parts and keeping the choir under control. Wonderful episodes starts tomorrow, ensure you keep yourself connected. God bless you. For live lessons and interactive class


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