Tuesday 16 March 2021


                                           🎼🎷Season 1. Episode 6. VALUES  🎻🎹
Make your choir members feel valued and respected. Make a point to always start and end rehearsal on time. This shows respect for your choir members (remember, they're volunteers!) and shows that you are serious about the work you do in rehearsal. Don't wait for everyone to arrive, as this will teach them that they can come in 5-10 minutes late and not miss anything.
           Move quickly between pieces. Don't give them too much time or they will lose focus and get off-topic. Write the rehearsal order on the board or hand singers a printed half-sheet when they arrive so they can put their music in order before rehearsal begins (an incentive to arrive a few minutes early!).
For live lessons and interactive class, join us today via https://chat.whatsapp.com/JWqVkdz3U3tFkLzS5Ksz9XTUNJIFORTRESS


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