Wednesday 29 January 2020

Not just warm ups

🎤📌🎵*WHY SINGING MATTERS* (_biblical support_)🎶🎶📝 ▶🎵🎻Season 1. Episode 3. NOT JUST WARM-UPS🎺🎼📌 Our singing is more than a warm-up for the sermon or a filler in the service. Colossians 3:16 is clearly laying out for us that: Singing stands alongside of preaching as one of the two great ways that God has ordained for his Word to dwell richly in each one of us! C.J. Mahaney calls church singing “Take Home Theology” because the best songs we sing together serve as a 3-minute, easily memorizable, deeply biblical summary of important truths from Scripture. Take for example, “In Christ Alone.” There, in an easily memorizable form, you’ve got a thorough theology of the cross of Jesus Christ with clear and practical applications that you can use for your life this week! For live lessons and interactive class, join us today via


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