Wednesday 27 November 2019

Learn minor scales

🎷🎷🎷LEARNING ADVANCED SKILLS (*SAXOPHONE*) 🎼🎼🎼 🎷🎷🎶Season 1. Episode 2. LEARN MINOR SCALES 🎵🎵🎷🎷 Practice minor scales to learn more challenging progressions. Minor scales are created by playing a succession of keys, just like the major scales. However, the minor scales sound much lower, and they are trickier to play. Find the key charts for minor scale progressions online (assignment). Practice minor scales until you feel comfortable and familiar with the progressions and are able to play each note with a consistent pitch. Minor scales are very common in alto saxophone songs, including many jazz tunes. Knowing minor scales will help you improvise if you are interested in playing in a group later on. For live lessons and interactive class, join us today via


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