Thursday 14 November 2019

Bottom lip

🎷🎷🎷PLAYING THE ALTO SAXOPHONE🎼🎼🎼 🎷🎷🎶Season 1. Episode 9. BOTTOM LIP🎵🎵🎷🎷 Draw your bottom lip over your bottom teeth. Keep your bottom lip taut, but your mouth, jaw, and face relaxed. Place the tip of the mouthpiece against your lower lip. Close your mouth over the mouthpiece, creating an airtight seal with your lips. Rest your top teeth gently against the mouthpiece. Don't bite down with your top teeth! Keep them relaxed. This is the proper mouth position for playing the sax. The position is called an "embouchure." For live lessons and interactive class, join us today via K4ZqbmJyafn0d4sBLKXZ8r


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