Voice care
🔘🎸🎤GROWING AS A SINGER🎷🎹 🎶🎶Season 1. Episode 7. VOICE CARE 🎶🎤🎤 Once you do a warm up it is less likely that you will damage your voice or strain it. Refrain from reaching those high notes unless you have gone through a warm up session. If you do not do this, you are likely to have a poor performance and could be detrimental to your voice. Furthermore, doing rehearsals will help in increasing the range of your voice and reach those high notes. Also, warming up your vocal chords can help to loosen your muscles and tension and to clear your throat. This will help you to reach your high and low notes smoothly. Take care of your vocal chords. Rest your voice while not singing, drink warm fluids and don’t sing while in pain. Warm water with a dash of lime juice and honey is good for the voice. Take care of it and develop it and be proud of it. Voice keeps improving as you sing, so keep at it. For live lessons and interactive class, join us today via K4ZqbmJyafn0d4sBLKXZ8r
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