Thursday, 31 October 2019

Playing the Alto Saxophone

🎷🎷🎷PLAYING THE ALTO SAXOPHONE🎼🎼🎼 ✍✍✍INTRODUCTION✍✍✍ The alto saxophone is an extremely versatile acoustic instrument. It allows you to explore a variety of styles, including classic orchestral music, worships, rock and roll, praises and smooth jazz. To get started, learn the proper positioning for your body, hands, and mouth. Once you've got the positioning down, move on to playing the basic notes. After you get the hang of those, expand your skills by memorizing the major and minor scales. Learnable episodes begins tomorrow, please stay connected. God bless you For more details about tunjifortress, visit our website via

Thursday, 24 October 2019


🎧🎤BENEFITS OF GOSPEL MUSIC DAILY 🎬🎻 ▶⏭🎶Season 1. Episode 6. COMMUNICATION ⏮⏸⏹🎧 It ensures you smooth communication with God: There’s no better way to communicate with God than through praises and worships. Our God loves to be praised and worshipped, and David was and still the man after God’s heart because he praised and worshipped God unconditionally. You can as well enjoy the measure of grace David enjoyed. For live lessons and interactive class, join us today via K4ZqbmJyafn0d4sBLKXZ8r

Wednesday, 23 October 2019


🎧🎤BENEFITS OF GOSPEL MUSIC DAILY 🎬🎻 ▶⏭🎶Season 1. Episode 5. IMPROVEMENTS⏮⏸⏹🎧 It Improves Your Spiritual life: it enhances your spiritual life; make it a habit and you will see a divine turnaround in your spiritual life. For live lessons and interactive class, join us today via K4ZqbmJyafn0d4sBLKXZ8r

Tuesday, 22 October 2019


🎧🎤BENEFITS OF GOSPEL MUSIC DAILY 🎬🎻 ▶⏭🎶Season 1. Episode 4. INSPIRATION⏮⏸⏹🎧 It will inspire you to do the things of God: your source of inspiration matters a lot; if you want to be inspired to do things of God; fill your playlist with exciting & amazing Christian songs. For live lessons and interactive class, join us today via K4ZqbmJyafn0d4sBLKXZ8r

Monday, 21 October 2019

Draw us closer

🎧🎤BENEFITS OF GOSPEL MUSIC DAILY 🎬🎻 ▶⏭🎶Season 1. Episode 3. DRAW US CLOSER⏮⏸⏹🎧 It is the easiest access to draw closer to God. God loves music, and you can win the heart of God just like King David through a series of Praises of Worships. For live lessons and interactive class, join us today via K4ZqbmJyafn0d4sBLKXZ8r

Thursday, 17 October 2019

Guide our thoughts

🎧🎤BENEFITS OF GOSPEL MUSIC DAILY 🎬🎻 ▶⏭🎶Season 1. Episode 2. GUILDE OUR THOUGHTS⏮⏸⏹🎧 Gospel music daily protects Us from Temptation & Sinful thoughts, Sin Starts from the mind before it is been expressed outwardly. What you hear daily influences what you do daily. Listening to gospel spirit-inspired songs with soul-lifting lyrics edifies your spirit-man and weakens the urges of the flesh. For live lessons and interactive class, join us today via K4ZqbmJyafn0d4sBLKXZ8r

Wednesday, 16 October 2019

Negative Mindset

🎧🎤BENEFITS OF GOSPEL MUSIC DAILY 🎬🎻 ▶⏭🎶Season 1. Episode 1. NEGATIVE MINDSET⏮⏸⏹🎧 It shuts the door against Negative Mindset: like I said during the introduction, music has a long-lasting impact in our sub-conscious mind. Gospel worship mp3 protects us from negative mindsets. It inspires us to embrace a positive mindset that acknowledges the promises of God. A mindset that believes in the promises of God and acknowledges the will God. For live lessons and interactive class, join us today via K4ZqbmJyafn0d4sBLKXZ8r

Monday, 14 October 2019

Benefits of Gospel music daily

🎧🎧🎤BENEFITS OF GOSPEL MUSIC DAILY 🎬🎻 ▶ INTRODUCTION ⏸ Gospel Music is a tune or pleasant sound that ignites and refreshes our sub-conscious mind. Music has a long-lasting impact on our daily lives as human beings existing on planet earth. In this series, we will understand the benefits of gospel music in our daily life as a Christian. Listening to gospel songs is one of the important lifestyles a Christian must cultivate in other to build and sustain faith. The nature of songs will feed ourselves with, has a lot of impact on our mindset; music influences our character and our perception about life. What you hear influences your action. Listening to spirit-filled gospel tune is one of the keys you do need to stay connected to God. It helps you to abstain from daily temptation. If you have a problem with staying connected to the Holy-Spirit on a daily basis, make it a lifestyle to listen to gospel songs daily. Impacting episodes begins on the 17th Oct, please stay connected. Like TUNJIFORTRESS page on Facebook via

Wednesday, 9 October 2019

Vocal guidelines

🔘🎸🎤GROWING AS A SINGER🎷🎹 🎶🎶Season 1. Episode 10. VOCAL GUIDELINES🎶🎤🎤 In singing, you also have to follow some correct vocal guidelines, and learning high notes and low notes in music.  The trick in singing is that you should know how to collaborate your vocal cords, how to breathe properly, the right pitch, volume, timber, voice change, etc. Different singing techniques work differently in every person, so, it’s important that you’re able to learn the proper technique given in some beginner singing tips that are provided here. For live lessons and interactive class, join us today via K4ZqbmJyafn0d4sBLKXZ8r

Monday, 7 October 2019

Breath correctly

🔘🎸🎤GROWING AS A SINGER🎷🎹 🎶🎶Season 1. Episode 9. BREATH CORRECTLY🎶🎤🎤 Do breathing exercises for ten minutes every day, practice on touching your high notes and low notes properly without wavering or losing pitch, understand your range and select songs, especially in the initial stages of learning and sing every day. For live lessons and interactive class, join us today via K4ZqbmJyafn0d4sBLKXZ8r

Thursday, 3 October 2019

Breath correctly

🔘🎸🎤GROWING AS A SINGER🎷🎹 🎶🎶Season 1. Episode 9. BREATH CORRECTLY🎶🎤🎤 Do breathing exercises for ten minutes every day, practice on touching your high notes and low notes properly without wavering or losing pitch, understand your range and select songs, especially in the initial stages of learning and sing every day. For live lessons and interactive class, join us today via K4ZqbmJyafn0d4sBLKXZ8r

Wednesday, 2 October 2019

Be your own voice

🔘🎸🎤GROWING AS A SINGER🎷🎹 🎶🎶Season 1. Episode 8. BE YOUR OWN VOICE🎶🎤🎤 Another important point to remember is never to imitate another singer’s style of singing. Many audiences have been known to say when they hear imitation singers, “If he is going to imitate a famous singer, why listen to him. Might as well listen to the original” To be very frank many famous singers with scratchy voices have become successful purely because they stuck to their individuality and were not ashamed of their voices or style. Who so ever song you choose to sing, stick to your natural voice and style. People will like you and respect you better for that. For live lessons and interactive class, join us today via K4ZqbmJyafn0d4sBLKXZ8r

Tuesday, 1 October 2019

Voice care

🔘🎸🎤GROWING AS A SINGER🎷🎹 🎶🎶Season 1. Episode 7. VOICE CARE 🎶🎤🎤 Once you do a warm up it is less likely that you will damage your voice or strain it. Refrain from reaching those high notes unless you have gone through a warm up session.  If you do not do this, you are likely to have a poor performance and could be detrimental to your voice. Furthermore, doing rehearsals will help in increasing the range of your voice and reach those high notes. Also, warming up your vocal chords can help to loosen your muscles and tension and to clear your throat. This will help you to reach your high and low notes smoothly. Take care of your vocal chords. Rest your voice while not singing, drink warm fluids and don’t sing while in pain. Warm water with a dash of lime juice and honey is good for the voice. Take care of it and develop it and be proud of it. Voice keeps improving as you sing, so keep at it. For live lessons and interactive class, join us today via K4ZqbmJyafn0d4sBLKXZ8r