Wednesday 17 July 2019

Choose the right Songs

✍✍ PREPARING FOR SINGING AUDITION🎶🎺 🎶🎶Season 1. Episode 6. CHOOSE THE RIGHT SONG 🎼🎼 Depending on the audition, first research what the competition is looking for. Whatever the audition be sure to connect to the message in the song. You want to get your story across and the feel of the song, so you can bring the audition judges on a journey with you. Play with the arrangement or musical style to suit your own style. Singing a carbon copy won’t show the judges anything about you and you need to think outside the box. It’s an opportunity-filled audition, not a karaoke session, so if you’re singing a cover, put your own stamp on it! Choosing the perfect audition song can be pretty overwhelming. Not only do you have one chance to prove your talent but you will, more than likely, have less than 5 minutes to do it. Make sure you find good audition songs for your voice, age and style. Also, Understand that type of voice you have. For live lessons on voice and instruments training join us via


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