Monday 15 April 2019

Memorize lyrics always

🎼🖊📕🎤HOW TO SING BETTER 🎶🎶🎙 🎵🖊📖🎶Season 2.Episode 9. MEMORIZE LYRICS ALWAYS 🎤🖋🎤 While it might sound absurd to you personally…There are some singers out there who think it’s okay to read lyrics off a sheet as they sing.And they could not be more wrong.If you don’t dedicate specific time towards memorizing the lyrics without the shee, You won’t EVER memorize them as well as you really need to. So before you even begin practicing a new song, you should already have the lyrics and the entire song structure memorized by heart. The entire thing should just naturally flow from your mouth, without you having to think about the actual words. Because once that happens, you can dedicate 100% of your mental energy to the delivery , rather than being distracted by trying to remember what line comes next.So as a good rule of thumb: Learn lyrics first. Sing lyrics second. For live lessons and interactive class join us on whatsapp via


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