Wednesday 20 February 2019

Record your voice

🎀🎀 HOW TO HAVE A NICE VOICE 🎼🎢 πŸ“Œ EXAMINING YOUR CURRENT VOICE πŸ—£πŸŽ΅ πŸŽ™πŸŽ™ Season 1. Episode 2. RECORD YOURSELF VOICE 🎢🎀 To get a better sense of what your current voice is like, you need to record it and listen to it. This may not be fun, as a lot of people don't like the sound of their recorded voice, but this is much closer to what people actually hear when they listen to you. Record your voice using audio software like Garageband, and then play it back and listen for the details that make up your vocal profile, your volume, articulation, quality, pitch, variation, and speed. β– Recording and listening back to your voice will allow you to get an enlightening, objectively look at what your really sound like to others. Take note of the flaws in your speaking voice, from mumbling, to filler words, to a nasally quality, and more. Write down everything you notice. For live lessons and interactive class join us on whatsapp via


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