Tuesday 28 August 2018

Transition between different voice parts

πŸ“ŒπŸŽ€ HOW TO SING BETTER βœπŸ“˜ πŸ“πŸŽΆ MASTERING THE BASICS πŸ“œπŸŽΉ πŸ“‹πŸ”›Season 1. Episode 6. TRANSITION BETWEEN DIFFERENT VOICE PARTS πŸ“•πŸ–πŸŽΆ Your voice is made up of 3 areas. Moving between these areas changes the resonance of your voice. Learning how to control this change can help improve your singing. β– The voice has three different areas: the chest register, the head register, and the middle register. Each of these areas refers to the range of notes sung from that section of the body. β– Head voice is the higher area. When you sing high notes, they will resonate in your head. Place your hand on the top of your head as you sing high notes to feel the vibrations. Chest voice is the lower area of your singing voice. When you sing lower notes, they will resonate in your chest. Middle voice,or mixed voice - is the middle area between your chest voice and head voice. This area is where your voice will shift from the chest to the head to properly sing the notes. β– As you transit from high notes to low notes, you need go from head to chest voice. You should feel the notes moving up towards your head or down to your chest as you sing. Don't keep the notes in the same place as you ascend or descend. This will limit the quality of your voice. For live lessons and interactive class join us on whatsapp via https://chat.whatsapp.com/9hF9sLLaQUVJVC0VUNkCol


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