Thursday, 30 August 2018

Practice exercises daily

πŸ“ŒπŸŽ€ HOW TO SING BETTER βœπŸ“˜ πŸ“πŸŽΆ EXERCISING YOUR VOICE πŸ“œπŸŽΉ πŸ“‹πŸ”›Season 2. Episode 1. PRACTICE EXERCISES DAILYπŸ“•πŸ–πŸŽΆ If you want to sing better, you have to train your voice. This takes commitment. Doing vocal exercises a few times a week or month is not going to make a significant difference. Exercise your voice every single day. You want to train it and develop the muscles so you can enhance your voice. β—†Remember, before doing any vocal exercises, make sure you warm up. For live lessons and interactive class join us on whatsapp via

Wednesday, 29 August 2018

Drink water

πŸ“ŒπŸŽ€ HOW TO SING BETTER βœπŸ“˜ πŸ“πŸŽΆ MASTERING THE BASICS πŸ“œπŸŽΉ πŸ“‹πŸ”›Season 1. Episode 7. DRINK WATER πŸ“•πŸ–πŸŽΆ Water helps keep the vocal chords moist and fluid so they can easily open and close. You can also drink any other unsweetened, decaffeinated, nonalcoholic beverage for the same effect. Aim to have at least one pint of water a day. β—†Lukewarm drinks are the best for your throat. Drink something warm such as warm water or warm tea with honey. Try to avoid cold things, like ice creams or cold fizzy drinks, because they can cause your muscles to tense. For live lessons and interactive class join us on whatsapp via

Tuesday, 28 August 2018

Transition between different voice parts

πŸ“ŒπŸŽ€ HOW TO SING BETTER βœπŸ“˜ πŸ“πŸŽΆ MASTERING THE BASICS πŸ“œπŸŽΉ πŸ“‹πŸ”›Season 1. Episode 6. TRANSITION BETWEEN DIFFERENT VOICE PARTS πŸ“•πŸ–πŸŽΆ Your voice is made up of 3 areas. Moving between these areas changes the resonance of your voice. Learning how to control this change can help improve your singing. β– The voice has three different areas: the chest register, the head register, and the middle register. Each of these areas refers to the range of notes sung from that section of the body. β– Head voice is the higher area. When you sing high notes, they will resonate in your head. Place your hand on the top of your head as you sing high notes to feel the vibrations. Chest voice is the lower area of your singing voice. When you sing lower notes, they will resonate in your chest. Middle voice,or mixed voice - is the middle area between your chest voice and head voice. This area is where your voice will shift from the chest to the head to properly sing the notes. β– As you transit from high notes to low notes, you need go from head to chest voice. You should feel the notes moving up towards your head or down to your chest as you sing. Don't keep the notes in the same place as you ascend or descend. This will limit the quality of your voice. For live lessons and interactive class join us on whatsapp via

Monday, 27 August 2018

Extend your vocal range

πŸ“ŒπŸŽ€ HOW TO SING BETTER βœπŸ“˜ πŸ“πŸŽΆ MASTERING THE BASICS πŸ“œπŸŽΉ πŸ“‹πŸ”›Season 1. Episode 5. EXTEND YOUR VOCAL RANGE πŸ“•πŸ–πŸŽΆ First, you must find your vocal range. After you have done that, you can begin to increase your vocal range. To do this, you must have proper technique. You must have non-airy vowels and proper resonance in your voice before you try to extend your vocal range. β—†To extend your vocal range, do it a half-step or full step at a time. Practice with short scales and get comfortable singing that new note properly before trying to push your voice any higher or lower. β—†Taking lessons from a vocal coach is the safest, most effective way of increasing your range. For live lessons and interactive class join us on whatsapp via

Friday, 24 August 2018

Chin down

πŸ“ŒπŸŽ€ HOW TO SING BETTER βœπŸ“˜ πŸ“πŸŽΆ MASTERING THE BASICS πŸ“œπŸŽΉ πŸ“‹πŸ”›Season 1. Episode 4. CHIN DOWN πŸ“•πŸ–πŸŽΆ Tilt your chin down. When you are singing higher notes and trying to get power, keep your chin pointed down. Your head has a tendency to move up as you sing higher notes, which can cause problems to your vocal chords. Singing while focusing on keeping the chin down helps give your voice more power and control. For live lessons and interactive class join us on whatsapp via

Open your vowels

πŸ“ŒπŸŽ€ HOW TO SING BETTER βœπŸ“˜ πŸ“πŸŽΆ MASTERING THE BASICS πŸ“œπŸŽΉ πŸ“‹πŸ”›Season 1. Episode 3. OPEN YOUR VOWELS πŸ“•πŸ–πŸŽΆ One quick way to improve your singing is to open your vowels. This is called open throat technique. To achieve this, start by saying "ah" or "uh." Elongate your mouth without widening it. You want to separate your tongue from your soft palette and keep them separated while you sing. Your tongue should be against your bottom jaw. This gives you better quality. β€’Try saying A-E-I-O-U. Your jaw should not close on any of those. If you can't keep your jaw down, use your fingers to pull it down. Keep repeating the vowels until you can say them with your mouth open. β€’Sing the vowels. Keep the jaw open while you sing them like you did while saying them. Then sing a phrase and open the jaw when you sing each vowel. β€’This will probably take some practice to achieve, but it will help improve the quality of your singing. β€’By doing this you can start to grow your voice. Follow TUNJIFORTRESS on instagram via

Wednesday, 22 August 2018

Correct breathing

πŸ“ŒπŸŽ€ HOW TO SING BETTER βœπŸ“˜ πŸ“πŸŽΆ MASTERING THE BASICS πŸ“œπŸŽΉ πŸ“‹πŸ”›Season 1. Episode 2. CORRECT BREATHING πŸ“•πŸ–πŸŽΆ Learn to breathe from your diaphragm. Correct breathing is one of the most important things when singing. When you breathe, make sure you are taking air from your diaphragm instead of your chest. This means when you breathe in, your abdomen will expand instead of your chest. When you sing, you will push down on the diaphragm when you ascend a scale and release when you come back down the scale. Supporting your voice with the diaphragm is one of the keys to singing. ●To practice, place a hand on your stomach and inhale through your nose. Your abdomen should expand and jut out when you breathe in. Your chest should not move out or up. As you exhale, push down and contract the abdominal muscles. It should feel like doing a sit up. Repeat until this is natural when you are singing. For live lessons and interactive class join us on whatsapp via

Tuesday, 21 August 2018

Correct posture

πŸ“ŒπŸŽ€ HOW TO SING BETTER βœπŸ“˜ πŸ“πŸŽΆ MASTERING THE BASICS πŸ“œπŸŽΉ πŸ“‹πŸ”›Season 1. Episode 1. CORRECT POSTURE πŸ“•πŸ–πŸŽΆ Have correct posture. To sing properly, make sure you have good posture. You should be standing or sitting up with a straight back. Your body should not be tilted to one side or the other. Make sure your head isn't tipped back or forwards. For live lessons and interactive class join us on whatsapp via

Wednesday, 15 August 2018

Vocal coach

πŸ”ŠπŸŽΆ HOW TO BELT IN SINGING πŸŽ§πŸŽΌβ¬‡ πŸ”–πŸ–Š STAYING HEALTHY 🎢🎸 πŸ“πŸŽΉ Season 4. Episode 4. VOCAL COACH πŸŽ€πŸ“˜ Get a vocal coach. It can be expensive, but the absolute best thing you can do for your voice is to get a vocal coach. They'll ensure that everything you're doing is safe and healthy and, most importantly, sustainable. You don't want to be one of those declining divas in ten years due to poor singing habits! So ask around. Just an hour a week oughta do it! β—†If money is tight, consider hitting up your local college or university. Often vocal majors have to do some sort of pedagogy where they train students for free or for a very reduced price to complete their major. And it's a great way to meet friends with similar interests! For live lessons and interactive class join us on whatsapp via

Tuesday, 14 August 2018

Drink water

πŸ”ŠπŸŽΆ HOW TO BELT IN SINGING πŸŽ§πŸŽΌβ¬‡ πŸ”–πŸ–Š STAYING HEALTHY 🎢🎸 πŸ“πŸŽΉ Season 4. Episode 3. DRINK WATER πŸŽ€πŸ“˜ Drink loads of water. Loads. It should be room temperature; too cold and it'll shrink up your vocal folds and too hot and it could scorch them. Room temperature water keeps them loose, hydrated and relaxed. And it's good for the rest of your body, too! ●If your voice starts to hurt (you've stopped, right?), consider going for some warm tea or gargling saltwater. But whatever you do, again, make sure it's not too hot. Warmth is enough to reap the soothing benefits of the water or tea. For live lessons and interactive class join us on whatsapp via

Monday, 13 August 2018

Mixed belt

πŸ”ŠπŸŽΆ HOW TO BELT IN SINGING πŸŽ§πŸŽΌβ¬‡ πŸ”–πŸ–Š STAYING HEALTHY 🎢🎸 πŸ“πŸŽΉ Season 4. Episode 2. MIXED BELT πŸŽ€πŸ“˜ Try a mixed belt. This is actually quite the skill, it's harder than belting, and it's definitely harder than just relying on your head voice. A mixed belt is when you use both registers simultaneously. It's your head voice, but with a twang. And it sounds so much like a belt that many people refer to it as a "healthy belt." β˜…This involves first strengthening your head voice. If you don't have that (if you've been concentrating on your belt, you won't), you'll need to work on the head voice first. Then you can transit from your head to your chest unnoticed, using your mixed belt in between. For live lessons and interactive class join us on whatsapp via

Saturday, 11 August 2018


πŸ”ŠπŸŽΆ HOW TO BELT IN SINGING πŸŽ§πŸŽΌβ¬‡ πŸ”–πŸ–Š STAYING HEALTHY 🎢🎸 πŸ“πŸŽΉ Season 4. Episode 1. STOP πŸŽ€πŸ“˜ If it hurts, stop. We're not kidding. If it hurts, you're doing it wrong. If it hurts, you risk developing nodes. If it hurts, you will lose your voice and maybe not just temporarily. So if you feel your voice getting scratchy or those notes you could hit 20 minutes ago aren't coming so easily anymore, take a break. You can revisit it again tomorrow. ●In general, you should not practice belting for long periods of time. Keeping with the basketball analogy, would you play basketball for hours and hours on end and expect to get better? No. After a while, your body just wears out and you start doing worse. It's the same with singing! For live lessons and interactive class join us on whatsapp via

Thursday, 9 August 2018

Repeat, repeat

πŸ”ŠπŸŽΆ HOW TO BELT IN SINGING πŸŽ§πŸŽΌβ¬‡ πŸ”–πŸ–Š ALIGNING YOUR SOUND 🎢🎸 πŸ“πŸŽΉ Season 3. Episode 4. REPEAT, REPEAT πŸŽ€πŸ“˜ Repeat, repeat, repeat. Belting takes stamina. Don't let anyone tell you that singing isn't a sport! If you keep doing it, you'll develop more endurance, your breathing will come easier, and those notes will be more attainable. Nothing good comes overnight, you know? β™₯All your singing should be mindful and you should be rocking the correct posture and mouth positioning at all times, not just when you're belting. If you practice incorrect form, you'll just make bad habits. It's perfect practice that makes perfect, not just practice. For live lessons and interactive class join us on whatsapp via

Wednesday, 8 August 2018

Don't lose your vibrato

πŸ”ŠπŸŽΆ HOW TO BELT IN SINGING πŸŽ§πŸŽΌβ¬‡ πŸ”–πŸ–Š ALIGNING YOUR SOUND 🎢🎸 πŸ“πŸŽΉ Season 3. Episode 3. DON'T LOSE YOUR VIBRATO πŸŽ€πŸ“˜ That's that regular, pulsating of the pitch you hear when you hold a note out. It's easy to scream in your chest voice on a straight tone, sure. But heads up: that's not belting. That's...well, that's screaming like a girl. If you hit a note, make sure your vibrato is in tact. It shouldn't be a machine gun, and it shouldn't be vibrating like a snail -- aim for somewhere in between. Two quick things about your vibrato while belting: β– It doesn't involve moving your mouth. At all. Those people you see who look like their jaws are being electrocuted are faking it to get the sound they think sounds good. It needs to be in your throat, a natural part of your voice. β– If you can hit the note on a straight tone, you can hit it with vibrato. Just imagine the note spinning. If your vibrato is too slow or not there at all, you can take your finger to your throat and manipulate your voice box manually. That'll get the habit started for you. For live lessons and interactive class join us on whatsapp via

Tuesday, 7 August 2018

Keep your mouth open

πŸ”ŠπŸŽΆ HOW TO BELT IN SINGING πŸŽ§πŸŽΌβ¬‡ πŸ”–πŸ–Š ALIGNING YOUR SOUND 🎢🎸 πŸ“πŸŽΉ Season 3. Episode 2. KEEP YOUR MONTH OPEN πŸŽ€πŸ“˜ We're talking a solid three, maybe four fingers up and down. It's a bad habit of many of us to relax and sing away as we normally do, but to hit those notes, a mouth that's open wider finds them more easily. So open up! Your mouth and your head! β—†To streamline your sound (like soundwaves punching the wall in front of you), keep your tongue near the back of your bottom teeth. Be careful to keep a curve in your tongue and not to spatulate it (flatten it, much like a spatula); if you do, it'll change the sound and make you more akin to Tamela mann. Successful, yes, but not the singer you want to be emulating. For live lessons and interactive class join us on whatsapp via

Monday, 6 August 2018

Let 'er rip

πŸ”ŠπŸŽΆ HOW TO BELT IN SINGING πŸŽ§πŸŽΌβ¬‡ πŸ”–πŸ–Š ALIGNING YOUR SOUND 🎢🎸 πŸ“πŸŽΉ Season 3. Episode 1. LET 'ER RIP πŸŽ€πŸ“˜ If you're in your bedroom and you're concerned about the 'rents hearing you, it's not gonna happen. Well, it may happen, but it'll probably be a bit squeaky and it'll hurt. Rest assured there are thousands of 14-year-old girls across the world doing just that right now. Wait until everyone is gone and you can roar. Louder, louder than a lion. You've got the eye of a tiger, a fighter, you're dancing through the fire and they're gonna hear your roar...but way better than Cece winans does. β– No, belting isn't about being loud. Being loud doesn't mean you're doing it right. But, by necessity, belting is loud. But there's so much more to it than that! It still needs to be a beautiful, spinning sound. For live lessons and interactive class join us on whatsapp via

Friday, 3 August 2018

place sounds forward

πŸ”ŠπŸŽΆ HOW TO BELT IN SINGING πŸŽ§πŸŽΌβ¬‡ πŸ”–πŸ–Š ALIGNING YOUR SOUND 🎢🎸 πŸ“πŸŽΉ Season 2. Episode 1. PLACE SOUND FORWARD πŸŽ€πŸ“˜ Place the sound forward in your mouth. There's a lot of metaphor in singing, but this isn't one of them. The sound literally needs to be forward in your mouth, coming out of the mask on your face. If that's confusing, experiment making sounds, you'll know it when you find it. Try holding a finger in front of your mouth and singing at it; does that help? It should! β– Another trick is to speak the words and then sing them just how you spoke them. At least as English speakers, the majority of our words are said fairly forward; mimicking that helps tell our brains what we need to do. For live lessons and interactive class join us on whatsapp via

Thursday, 2 August 2018

Open your head

πŸ”ŠπŸŽΆ HOW TO BELT IN SINGING πŸŽ§πŸŽΌβ¬‡ πŸ”–πŸ–Š ALIGNING YOUR SOUND 🎢🎸 πŸ“πŸŽΉ Season 2. Episode 2. OPEN YOUR HEAD πŸŽ€πŸ“˜ This, however, is one of the metaphors. It's one of those things that singers get; if you've spent a while working on your voice, you may know what this means. The best way to visualize it is seeing the notes come out of the top of your head. For some reason, that imagery can be quite effective. β˜…Sometimes we also have a tendency to get quite nasal; if you hear your voice leaning in that direction, remind yourself to "open up." You should hear a change in your sound automatically, something that's more natural and less covered in gunk, if you will. For live lessons and interactive class join us on whatsapp via

Wednesday, 1 August 2018

Place sound forward

πŸ”ŠπŸŽΆ HOW TO BELT IN SINGING πŸŽ§πŸŽΌβ¬‡ πŸ”–πŸ–Š ALIGNING YOUR SOUND 🎢🎸 πŸ“πŸŽΉ Season 2. Episode 1. PLACE SOUND FORWARD πŸŽ€πŸ“˜ Place the sound forward in your mouth. There's a lot of metaphor in singing, but this isn't one of them. The sound literally needs to be forward in your mouth, coming out of the mask on your face. If that's confusing, experiment making sounds, you'll know it when you find it. Try holding a finger in front of your mouth and singing at it; does that help? It should! β– Another trick is to speak the words and then sing them just how you spoke them. At least as English speakers, the majority of our words are said fairly forward; mimicking that helps tell our brains what we need to do. For live lessons and interactive class join us on whatsapp via