Tuesday 8 May 2018

Watch other directors

🎶🎬HOW TO DIRECT A CHOIR ✍🔑 ☝LEARNING HAND AND BODY LANGUAGE FOR DIRECTING 🎶📜👍 📁📝Season 1. Episode 1. WATCH OTHER DIRECTORS 🎶🎼📓 Modeling your hand signals, body language, and facial expressions off of other directors is the best way to understand the kinds of signals to which experienced singers are already accustomed to. ♥Watch videos of other choir directors online. ♥Watch live performances of professional choirs and focus on what the director does and how the singers respond to each signal. ♥Go to live choir performances and watch the director. Be sure you choose a seat that enables a clear view of the director. Take notes about what seems to work especially well. ♥Sit in on a choir rehearsal and watch the director from the singers’ points of view. For live lessons and interactive class join us via https://t.me/joinchat/HX75GgrDht71Bi9HvZhz6w


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