Tuesday, 7 November 2017

disunity within group members

WHY GOSPEL MUSIC GROUPS/UNIT BREAK UP 📌 🎶 Season 1. Episode 2. DISUNITY WITHIN GROUP MEMBERS 🎵 Another reason for groups breaking up is largely to disunity and disagreement among the members of the music group. You have to understand that music groups are made up of people who are human and also growing daily, but not everyone communicates at the same level. In most scenarios, one member comes to conflict or misunderstanding with another and instead of resolving issues with love, both forms a clique and gets a part of the team on their side, and the rest to the other side. The group divides and disbands, and sometimes an overthrow of leadership is done and the group plunges into destruction. COUNSEL>>: As a music group, try to always pray for each other and openly discuss conflicts or disagreements so they can be resolved in love. Also note you can be right, but for the sake of the group’s vision, make peace so every one is great and unified to one goal. For more lessons : https://chat.whatsapp.com/JWqVkdz3U3tFkLzS5Ksz9X


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