Devotion prayers
🪗🎸Season 1. Episode 5. DEVOTION/PRAYER (5-7 minutes) 🎺🎤
What makes church choir different from a community choir? The element of spiritual formation. Yes, it is a social gathering and hopefully, it's a rewarding musical experience, but it's also an opportunity to grow in faith and fellowship with one another. Give people an opportunity to share prayer requests and leave a few minutes at the end of rehearsal for a quick prayer.
(Alternatively, you could do a short devotion as your break in the middle of rehearsal and do announcements and a closing prayer at the end. Feel free to mix it up!)
If you don't feel comfortable praying on the spot every week, read a written prayer, an excerpt from a prayerful anthem you're working on, or a verse of a hymn from your hymnal. If others in the group feel comfortable, ask them to lead a short devotion or prayer one week.
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