Thursday 28 April 2022

Be prepared

                      🎼 Season 1. Episode 3. BE PREPARED 🎺🎤
Before you start composing or recording your song, take some time to practice your ad-libs and write down others that can fit well with your subjects. This practice helps you to perfect your vocals and establishing a good connection between your vocals and ad-libs.
              Rehearsing the lines as many times as you can do will enable you to get more familiarized with the song. When practicing, you don’t have to rehearse your music with a certain order, just sing what you have and you will notice some changes in your vocals projections.
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Wednesday 27 April 2022

Keep it short

                      🎼 Season 1. Episode 2. KEEP IT SHORT 🎺🎤
Just remember not to over-complicate this technique by using complex words. Good ad-libs are short and easy to cite. If you look at the most commonly used ad-libs, you will notice that most of them are simple syllables and not words. Scat singing is used to replicate the sounds of a musical tone and it normally uses random syllables. Some Ad-libs such as ‘Oh’ ‘Yeah’ are frequently used in most song lyrics and are now becoming more of a trademark. If you review one of the world most popularly sung songs, you will notice that most of them use short ad-libs that are easy to sing. So When composing music, make use of short ad-libs that rhyme together with your notes, and you will notice how good they sound.
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Tuesday 26 April 2022

Suitable notes

                      🎼 Season 1. Episode 1. PICK SUITABLE NOTES 🎺🎤
For the best use of Ad-libs, pick good notes that are easy to sing. If you pick notes that are hard to compose, you will also find it a bit hard to integrate the ad-libs with them. The main key to copying someone else run is to identify the first and the last note of the run. If you do this, you will be able to know where to start and where to end, so you won’t go off when singing your notes.
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Tuesday 12 April 2022

How to adlib in songs

                                      🖊️INTRODUCTION 🖊️
In music, Ad-libbing is used in many ways that make songs more fun and interesting to sing. Most people associate Ad-libbing with scatting used in the jazz genre. This is because Ad-libbing and jazz share the same elements of intention and precision.

If you want to become a great artist, try to master the art of Ad-libbing by possessing the 3 skills: projection, intention, and style. Ad-libbing is an art form that requires poise, tactful skills and most of all personality. It adds a lot of flavors, finesse and pizazz in music. If you develop your signature of Ad-libbing, people will love your music and consider you as a great artist. Whether you are a vocalist, artist or singer, don’t ad-lib because it’s cool to do so. Ad-lib because you feel great and musically invoked by your feelings.
 Ad-libs are generally shortened to create short words and syllables that complement the melody, lead vocals and also add some excitement to the song.
Learnable episodes begins 19th April 2022. 
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