📝🎶Season 1. Episode 1. REHEARSAL TIME AND STYLE 🪕🎷
Before you decide on a rehearsal time, do some research. Find out when most of those who might be interested in singing can attend and when the practice room is available. Once you have determined the best time for your choir rehearsal—Sunday afternoon, for example—stick with it. You may lose some members at first, but in the long run both you and the choir will benefit from a regular time of rehearsal.
The main function of the church choir is to lead God's people in praise and worship. However, many choir members may judge the worth of their participation not only by their contribution to worship, but also by the content and value of rehearsals. As a result, it is critical that you establish a consistent style of rehearsing.
In my church we have tried to run rather intensive rehearsal with little opportunity for conversation. This style has a double benefit: members tend to learn more music in a shorter period of time and to look back at the rehearsal hour with a greater sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.
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