Sunday, 31 December 2017


HAPPY NEW YEAR FROM TUNJIFORTRESS 🎤🎶 I welcome you all into this YEAR OF CELEBRATION. Heaven will honour you and the works of your hand in jesus name. Amen. I admonish us not to relent in the Kingdom work. The devil and it's agents are recruiting members everyday if you really go out there, even online. I am an opportunist to some platforms through contact and online, you need to see how people are joining and supporting negative groups and propagating the group.We all should be aware that the reward for that is destruction and death (rom 6:23). Please let us spread God Kingdom as far as possible using Tunjifortress as a tool which have been given to us. TUNJIFORTRESS officially resumes today 1ST January 2018 and I want you to expect more from TUNJIFORTRESS. Join us today on whatsapp for vocal training via God bless you. TUNJIFORTRESS : Improving your music life in Christ.

Friday, 29 December 2017

Master the song on its own

🎬 HOW TO ACT WHILE SINGING 🎶🎤 🎶💃🕺 Season 1 Episode 1. MASTER THE SONG ON ITS OWN, FIRST 🏾🎤 Trying to do two things at once usually results in both things done poorly. Before you throw acting into the mix, make sure you can sing the song perfectly on it's own. Having the words and melody down cold will make it much, much easier to nail the acting. For more lessons :

Thursday, 21 December 2017

write down the lyrics

🎵 HOW TO MEMORIZE LYRICS OF A SONG 🎶🎼 🎶 Season 1. Episode 11. WRITE DOWN THE LYRICS 🎵 Writing down the lyrics on a piece of paper will help you engrave the words into your brain and you can also bring the paper wherever you go so whenever you have time you can look over it. Sing the song out loud or in your head while you read the lyrics on a piece of paper. For more lessons :

Wednesday, 20 December 2017

sleep on it

🎵 HOW TO MEMORIZE LYRICS OF A SONG 🎶🎼 🎶 Season 1. Episode 10. SLEEP ON IT 🎵 Your brain continues to process and learn about things while you sleep. Not only will being well-rested help your brain function at its best, but studying or practicing a new skill right before a good night’s sleep has been shown to increase the speed with which you learn, and your ability to retain that information. For more lessons :

Tuesday, 19 December 2017

visualize and associate

🎵 HOW TO MEMORIZE LYRICS OF A SONG 🎶🎼 🎶 Season 1. Episode 9. VISUALIZE AND ASSOCIATE 🎵 This is a trick used by memory performers, or people who perform feats like memorizing multiple decks of playing cards in memory competitions. It involves associating whatever you are trying to memorize with a specific, striking mental image. While this is not the most practical approach to memorizing an entire song, it may be useful if you can’t seem to get one or two tricky lines to stick in your head. Imagine, for example, that you are struggling to commit the lyrics, “Through out the ages” to memory. The trick is to create a slightly strange mental image in association with these lyrics. Think of those times past that you were not existing and God has been there defending HIS children. It may sound funny,but it is also much more likely to stick in your mind than a random sentence with which you have no particular visual association. For more lessons :

Monday, 18 December 2017

use flashcards

🎵 HOW TO MEMORIZE LYRICS OF A SONG 🎶🎼 🎶 Season 1. Episode 8. USE FLASHCARDS 🎵 Flashcards are particularly helpful because they incorporate every learning style: tactile learners benefit from making the cards, visual learners benefit from seeing them, and auditory learners benefit from reading them aloud, either to themselves or a study partner.Make a series of numbered flashcards (you want to learn them in order, after all), with one card for every line of the song. On the front of the card write the first 2 or 3 words of the line, and on the back complete the rest of it. For more lessons :

Sunday, 17 December 2017

Make it fun

🎵 HOW TO MEMORIZE LYRICS OF A SONG 🎶🎼 🎶 Season 1. Episode 7. MAKE IT FUN🎵 Introducing elements of play and/or competition can make the process of memorization more engaging.Time yourself reciting the lyrics to the song you are trying to memorize, and then use that time to set yourself a challenge. Try to see how quickly you can recite the whole thing from memory. Draw a visual representation of a line you are struggling with, or a comic using the lyrics as dialogue. Challenge a friend to see which of you can deliver the most dramatic rendition of the song. Anything that helps you enjoy the process of memorization will be a big help. For more lessons :

Thursday, 14 December 2017

connect to the song

🎵 HOW TO MEMORIZE LYRICS OF A SONG 🎶🎼 🎶 Season 1. Episode 6. CONNECT SPIRITUALLY/EMOTIONALLY TO THE SONG 🎵 The more interested in or engaged by something you are, the easier it is to retain information about it. Try to find parts of the song that interest or resonate with you, and look up any lyrics that are confusing. This is especially important if the song you are trying to memorize is in a language in which you are not fluent; it is much easier to learn something when you understand its meaning than when it is just a succession of meaningless syllables. For more lessons :

Wednesday, 13 December 2017

Recite the song as poem

🎵 HOW TO MEMORIZE LYRICS OF A SONG 🎶🎼 🎶 Season 1. Episode 5. RECITE THE SONG AS POEM 🎵 Recite the song as if it were a poem,This can help you think of it as a sequence of ideas or events. Many people learn lyrics more effectively when they imagine them as a narrative, rather than just a collection of rhymes. For more lessons :

Tuesday, 12 December 2017

Listen to the song often

🎵 HOW TO MEMORIZE LYRICS OF A SONG 🎶🎼 🎶 Season 1. Episode 4. LISTEN TO THE SONG AS OFTEN AS POSSIBLE 🎵 It's important that you not just try to memorize written lyrics. Listening to the song is probably the most important step you can take. Songs are noted for being one of the easiest things to memorize,this is why setting information to music is a frequently recommended technique for all sorts of rote memorization, and why most people have at some point experienced memorizing a song without even trying, simply by listening to it over and over. Listen to the song you are trying to memorize as frequently as possible: in the car, on the bus, in the shower, while doing chores, while doing homework, while getting ready for bed, and generally whenever the opportunity presents itself. You may start to get sick of it, but you will be much closer to your goal of knowing it by heart. This will be especially effective if you sing along with the song. If your goal is to perform the song, it might be a good idea to practice singing . Having the lyrics memorized won't be much help if you can't sing in key. For more lessons :

Monday, 11 December 2017

incorporate your learning style into your approach

🎵 HOW TO MEMORIZE LYRICS OF A SONG 🎶🎼 🎶 Season 1. Episode 3. INCORPORATE YOUR LEARNING STYLE INTO YOUR APPROACH 🎵 Now that you understand your brain a little better, it’s time to consider the best way to go about memorizing those song lyrics. Remember, you don’t have to confine yourself solely to the techniques recommended for your primary learning style; most people will learn fastest if they incorporate elements of all three. 》Auditory learners are at an advantage when it comes to learning song lyrics, as songs are by nature auditory. If you are an auditory learner, listening to a song on repeat is likely to be your best bet. Singing or speaking the lyrics aloud to yourself will also help. At first you will need to read the lyrics as you sing or speak them, but with repetition this will become unnecessary. 》Tactile learners will also benefit somewhat from singing along with the song they are trying to learn, although in this case it has more to do with their propensity to learn by doing than any particular benefit of auditory processing. If you are a tactile learner, you will also find writing the lyrics out by hand a few times very helpful. 》Visual learners will want to spend some time studying a written copy of the lyrics. If you are a visual learner, watching a music video of the song you are trying to memorize can be a good tool, as it will help you associate visual imagery with specific lyrics. You may find it helpful to highlight different verses of the lyrics with different colors, as well. when you are trying to recall a specific verse later, you can call to mind the color in which it was highlighted, which may help you visualize the words on that part of the page. For more lessons :

Sunday, 10 December 2017

determine what learning style is

🎵 HOW TO MEMORIZE LYRICS OF A SONG 🎶🎼 🎶 Season 1. Episode 2. DETERMIN WHAT YOUR LEARNING STYLE IS.🎵 Just by reading a little about these different learning styles, you may already have an idea which of them you favor. Keep in mind that no one learns through just one of these styles exclusively; we use our senses in combination when we learn. That said, most people tend to rely more heavily on one of their senses (or on a particular combination) when they learn, and understanding this will help you decide which approach to memorization is likely to be most effective for you. For more lessons :

Thursday, 7 December 2017

Evaluate your learning style

🎵 HOW TO MEMORIZE LYRICS OF A SONG 🎶🎼 🎶 Season 1. Episode 1. EVALUATE YOUR LEARNING STYLE 🎵 There are a number ways to break down the various ways in which people learn. When it comes to rote memorization, your senses are a particularly helpful lens through which to view your personal learning style. ☆Auditory learners absorb new information most effectively by hearing and/or speaking it out loud. ☆Tactile learners absorb new information most effectively through movement; they learn best by doing things for themselves. ☆Visual learners absorb new information most effectively by reading it, or seeing a visual representation. For more lessons :

Monday, 4 December 2017

be aware of your facial expression

📌PERFORMING STRATEGY WHILE SINGING 🎤🌹 🎤Season 1 Episode 4. BE AWARE OF YOUR FACIAL EXPRESSIONS 🎤 It's a good idea to strive for an appropriate facial expression when singing. You don't want to be grinning during a sad song or looking weepy during a happy anthem. Try to be aware of your expression. Think about the song as you sing it. You'll be more likely to use the appropriate expression if you're really invested in the words. It may be a good idea to sing in front of a mirror in the weeks leading up to your performance. You can use the mirror to gauge whether you have a tendency to grimace or make an unpleasant face while singing. Follow TUNJIFORTRESS on instagram via