Monday, 30 October 2017

don't switch off

📖🖌 VITAL INFORMATIONS YOU NEED TO KNOW AS A CHORISTER🎵🎼 💡📌 Season 1 Episode 7. DON’T SWITCH OFF 🎤🎼 When the focus has moved on from your own part and others are learning theirs, it’s all too easy to switch off and start daydreaming or (worse!) chatting. But this is a wonderful opportunity to stay focused (it’s less tiring than switching off) and hear the words one more time, check that you’ve got the rhythm right, sing your part in your head at the same time (to feel how the harmonies work), and if you’re getting pretty good at this choir lark, you can even learn another part. So stick with it and you’ll soon find the joys of singing in a choir. For more lessons:

Sunday, 29 October 2017

if it's not working, change something – anything

📖🖌 VITAL INFORMATIONS YOU NEED TO KNOW AS A CHORISTER🎵🎼 💡📌 Season 1 Episode 6. IF IT'S NOT WORKING, CHANGE SOMETHING-ANYTHING 🎤🎼 Where you stand within your part; how you stand (are you in a balanced, easy position or do you slump to one side with your hands in your pockets?); change parts, the one you’re in may be too high or low for you (although maybe just for this one song); your attitude – if at first hearing you don’t ‘like’ a song, imagine it will become your favourite and give it even more attention than normal; become someone else (Act as if you’re Italian/ African/ a diva/ famous) as it helps to liberate you....The ultimate change is to change choir group if this one is not working for you. For more lessons:

Friday, 27 October 2017

mind the gap

📖🖌 VITAL INFORMATIONS YOU NEED TO KNOW AS A CHORISTER🎵🎼 💡📌 Season 1 Episode 6. MIND THE GAP! 🎤🎼 There are two main gaps to avoid. One is the gap between you and the other people in your part. Stick close to them and work as a team. You’ll be amazed at how supportive that will feel. The other gap is the one between different parts. If you’re not comfortable (yet) with harmony singing, then standing right next to another part may well put you off at this stage. Make sure you’re embedded well in the middle of your own part until you feel confident enough to enjoy the way harmonies work. Then you can head for the gaps between parts and enjoy the singing even more! For more lessons:

Wednesday, 25 October 2017


📖🖌 VITAL INFORMATIONS YOU NEED TO KNOW AS A CHORISTER🎵🎼 💡📌 Season 1 Episode 6. SMILE 🎤🎼 To help even more with looking like you know what you’re doing. It will improve the resonance of your voice and your diction; even if you’re feeling miserable it will cheer you up; and it will cheer up those around you and inspire them to sing better. For more lessons:

Tuesday, 24 October 2017

Behave as if you know what you are doing

📖🖌 VITAL INFORMATIONS YOU NEED TO KNOW AS A CHORISTER🎵🎼 💡📌 Season 1 Episode 5. BEHAVE AS IF YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING🎤🎼 It’s amazing, but if you just behave AS IF you are a wonderful singer and know your part inside out, then it WILL HAPPEN! Just go for it. For more lessons:

Monday, 23 October 2017

stand at the front

📖🖌 VITAL INFORMATIONS YOU NEED TO KNOW AS A CHORISTER🎵🎼 💡📌 Season 1 Episode 4. STAND AT THE FRONT 🎤🎼 It’s natural, as a beginner, to want to hide at the back. You’re nervous, don’t think much of your voice, and you’re not sure you’ve got the part right yet. But if you’re at the back you can’t hear the others in your part very well, you won’t hear what your director is saying and maybe not even be able to see their hand gestures. Scary as it is, if you stand at the front, you have the whole of your section backing you up and reinforcing your part by singing into your ear. The director will also be able to see if you’re struggling with anything and be able to help you. For more lessons:

Sunday, 22 October 2017

sing loud and proud

📖🖌 VITAL INFORMATIONS YOU NEED TO KNOW AS A CHORISTER🎵🎼 💡📌 Season 1 Episode 3.SING LOUD AND PROUD 🎤🎼 Do not care what anybody else thinks. If you’re going to make a mistake, make a BIG mistake then you can fix it later. If you always sing hesitantly, you will never know if you’re singing your part correctly or not. And if you don’t like your voice at this stage, you still need to sing out loud and proud so it will develop over the coming weeks. NOTE: If you sing quietly every week, you’ll never get any better. For more lessons:

Friday, 20 October 2017

You are vitally important

📖🖌 VITAL INFORMATIONS YOU NEED TO KNOW AS A CHORISTER🎵🎼 💡📌 Season 1 Episode 2. YOU ARE VITALLLY IMPORTANT 🎤🎼 Lots of new singers, especially those in large choirs, don’t think they count. “They won’t miss me if I don’t turn up”, “I’ll just stand at the back and mime, nobody will notice.” Wrong! If everyone thought that, there would be no choir at all. Everyone is a vital part of the greater whole. Everyone is equally responsible for creating that amazing sound. For more lessons :

Wednesday, 18 October 2017

Be patient

📖🖌 VITAL INFORMATIONS YOU NEED TO KNOW AS A CHORISTER🎵🎼 💡📌 Season 1 Episode 1. BE PATIENT 🎤🎼 If you’re new to singing you might think that ‘proper’ singers can pick up a song by hearing it just once. They don’t. Even for a professional singer, it might take up to months for a new song to really settle in. So after the first stab at learning a new song and when you get home you can’t remember a single word or even how the main tune goes, don’t panic. Slowly, slowly over the coming weeks and months that part of your brain where songs live will absorb the song until it feels like you’ve known it forever. For more lessons :

Tuesday, 17 October 2017

Don't skimp on preproduction

👥📌📖🖊REHEARSAL STRATEGY FOR POWERFUL PERFORMANCES📝🎼 Season finale✏📖 🖌 DON’T SKIMP ON PREPRODUCTION🎶🎵 When prepping for studio recording, spend adequate rehearsal time in preproduction. Rushing into the studio unprepared wastes valuable recording time and money and increases frustration and stress. Enhance your vocal recording by having your singers practice with a rough mix of the instrumental tracks prior to going into the studio. For more lessons:

Monday, 16 October 2017

practice on camera

👥📌📖🖊REHEARSAL STRATEGY FOR POWERFUL PERFORMANCES📝🎼 Season 1 Episode 13.✏📖 🖌 PRACTICE ON CAMERA🎶🎵 To prepare for TV appearances and videos, practice performing to your video camera as though it is a live audience. Different emotional messages from song to song will have varied musical tone and should also LOOK appropriately different. During playback you will see whetheryour movements and expressions are emotionally consistent with the song. For more lessons:

Thursday, 12 October 2017

practice in different rooms

👥📌📖🖊REHEARSAL STRATEGY FOR POWERFUL PERFORMANCES📝🎼 Season 1 Episode 12.✏📖 🖌 PRACTICE IN DIFFERENT ROOMS🎶🎵 Room acoustics and stage sizes may influence the audio and visual aspects of your performance. Change your rehearsal location whenever feasible to become familiar with adapting your ministration to different venues. For more lessons:

Wednesday, 11 October 2017

Talking to Your Audience

👥📌📖🖊REHEARSAL STRATEGY FOR POWERFUL PERFORMANCES📝🎼 Season 1 Episode 11.✏📖 🖌 TALKING TO YOUR AUDIENCE🎶🎵 Audience connection can be enhanced with short verbal interchange between some songs. It takes practice to say something appropriate to the audience to fill a few moments of downtime while a player changes a guitar or the singer moves to a piano for the next song. Practice this during your full set rehearsal so you get comfortable doing it without rambling on. For more lessons:

Tuesday, 10 October 2017

band Interaction

👥📌📖🖊REHEARSAL STRATEGY FOR POWERFUL PERFORMANCES📝🎼 Season 1 Episode 10.✏📖 🖌 BAND INTERACTION🎶🎵 Your performance is both visual and audio, how you move and look to the audience will either complement or distract from their emotional experience. Performance energy is enhanced when a group works in unison and plays off each other musically and visually. For more lessons :

Monday, 9 October 2017

your Gear

👥📌📖🖊REHEARSAL STRATEGY FOR POWERFUL PERFORMANCES📝🎼 Season 1 Episode 9.✏📖 🖌 YOUR GEAR 🎶🎵 Avoid clumsiness on stage by practicing any necessary instruments changes; during rehearsals of the full set, Practice smoothly taking the mic on and off the stand. Using quick change of mic on stands eliminates awkward adjustments on stage. For more lessons :

Entrance and exits

👥📌📖🖊REHEARSAL STRATEGY FOR POWERFUL PERFORMANCES📝🎼 Season 1 Episode 8.✏📖 🖌 ENTRANCES AND EXITS 🎶🎵 Consider entrances and exits as a visual part of your ministration/presentation.This should include things like deciding if the lead singer will enter after the instrumentalist begins playing and how you will end the ministration and exit the stage. For more lessons :

Thursday, 5 October 2017

practice your full set

👥📌📖🖊REHEARSAL STRATEGY FOR POWERFUL PERFORMANCES📝🎼 Season 1 Episode 7.✏📖 🖌 PRACTICE YOUR FULL SET LIST🎶🎵 Practicing your full set is like a gymnast practicing their routine. You develop your mental as well as physical transitions while you navigate through each song in order of actual performance. This also helps you develop physical and mental performance stamina. For more lessons :

Practice Tops and Tails

👥📌📖🖊REHEARSAL STRATEGY FOR POWERFUL PERFORMANCES📝🎼 Season 1 Episode 6.✏📖 🖌 PRACTICE TOPS AND TAILS🎶🎵 Top is the beginning of a song and tail is the end. Going from the tail of one song to the top of the next allows you to get familiar with emotional and physical transitions including changing piano, guitar etc.moving from one instrument to another and for singers, any change of vocal approach. This will also confrm if your set list works or needs rearrangement. For more lessons :

Wednesday, 4 October 2017

Practice performance skills too

👥📌📖🖊REHEARSAL STRATEGY FOR POWERFUL PERFORMANCES📝🎼 Season 1 Episode 5.✏📖 🖌 PRACTICE PERFORMANCE SKILLS TOO 🎶🎵 After any musical trouble spots are smoothed out, such as wrong notes or chords and sloppy rhythms, don’t neglect practicing performance skills such as movement on stage, microphone handling, etc. Spend some time practicing as though you’re ON stage and singing to the audience. Use video recordings of rehearsals to evaluate and improve. For more lessons :

Tuesday, 3 October 2017


👥📌📖🖊REHEARSAL STRATEGY FOR POWERFUL PERFORMANCES📝🎼 Season 1 Episode 4.✏📖 🖌 SET LISTS THAT WORKS 🎶🎵 Open the set with a song that grabs your audience’s attention and captures their interest. End the set with a song that has a strong hook that they’ll walk out singing. Plan the intervening songs based on set length and use of contrasting keys, tempos and emotional transitions to build audience interest and response. To increase interest, pick a song sequence that varies your singer’s range. For more lessons:

Sunday, 1 October 2017

vocals only

👥📌📖🖊REHEARSAL STRATEGY FOR POWERFUL PERFORMANCES📝🎼 Season 1 Episode 3.✏📖 🖌 CALL "VOCALS ONLY"REHEARSALS 🎶🎵 Many details go into blending good sounding vocals, so coordination of lead and harmony vocals deserve separate rehearsals. From the audience’s perspective, vocals are the most important instrument in a performance (no offense to instrumentalists). A cappella or quiet guitar/piano accompaniments allow you to really hear the vocal quality and blend. Record your choir rehearsals sometimes to identify what needs to be tightened up. For more lessons: